I just did KLR650 first service at 348 km of mileage.. Bought an KLR650 Oil Filter for RM14.50 a piece and 3 Litres of Silkolene Super 4-T Plus (20W-50, Mineral based) engine oil for RM23.00/litre. Use a 17mm Torque Wrench and 8mm T-type socket wrench.

First, make sure the engine is warmed up for a while. Then loosen up the drain plug (17mm bolt) at bottom of engine using 17mm wrench. The standard/stock skid plate does not need to be removed.
Drain the engine oil. Clean some dirty bits at the drain plug.
Loosen up two 8mm bolts at oil filter cover using 8mm T-type socket wrench.
Take off the oil filter cover and oil filter. Clean the area with a clean towel. Insert / replace with a new oil filter. Then place the oil filter cap and tighten up the two 8mm bolts.
Tighten up the 17mm bolt using torque wrench at the bottom of the engine with 21 ft/lb..
Fill engine oil for ~2.5 litres at oil filler. Upright the bike for few minutes and close the engine oil filler cap. Start the engine for few minutes. Make sure there's no leakage at the oil filter cover and drain plug. Then fill few engine oil again until it reaches 2.5 litres of measurement.
Done... HooRahh!!
Done... HooRahh!!