
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Coliseum Cafe & Grill Room @ Jaya 33, PJ

When i was young, i used to have Coliseum steaks along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman back in 80's and early 90's.. those were the days when my parents brought me for movies at Coliseum cinema.. i could still remember its slippery floor and buttery sizzling scent on the restaurant settings..

Last weekend a group of Harley Davidson and Moto Guzzi was invited for a launch of Coliseum Cafe & Grill Room at Jaya 33..

We arrived at noon and soon, they launched the restaurant..

 It was only a restaurant launch, hence we could only taste the served buffet meal...

Surely, this week i will dine at the new Coliseum to compare the new and the classic taste served at the old restaurant..

Photo shoot with Coliseum chefs and staff
I would recommend the Coliseum steak house at Jaya 33 because i feel much safer to dine here in evening rather than at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman.. i just don't feel safe and insecure to walk in the dark alley from the parking lot to the restaurant behind of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman..

Ride in Style... HooRahh!!


  1. coliseum cafe halal or not?

    1. It is better if you call them, +603-7932 3228 for more info..


  2. All of coliseum cafe food has been sourced from halal suppliers and all our meat are certified halal. Halal certificates are placed prominently at our restaurants for public viewing. We have 3 licenses operating under our operations as Coliseum Cafe & Hotel - restaurant, hotel & bar.
